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QQ with Yasir Saleem

QQ with Yasir Saleem

Q: What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?

YS: I do civil war re-enacting and I am huge history buff. I was actually a history major as an undergrad. 

Q: What is your favorite thing about your job now?

YS: I love the support I have. In most Primary Care offices, it’s you just alone. I work for Reliant who in turn is owned by Optum and I have so many resources. I have integrated behavioral heatlh in my office complex. My lab is run in my office so results come back in an hour. I have xray and CT and social work so the process of caring for patients is expedient. And it takes stuff off my plate so I’m not having to do everything. 

Q: How did you make your first dollar?

YS: I worked Borders Books at 16. 

Q: What is a skill that you would like to learn?

YS:  In terms of my everyday practice, I would say point-of-care ultrasound. 

Q: What did you want to be when you were growing up?

YS: History professor

Q: If you could have any superpower, what would it be? 

YS: Probably flight. It would be fun to fly. 

Q: What’s the greatest lesson you’ve learned so far in your life?

YS:  Nothing is given. You can have a good opportunity but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to prove yourself or work hard to get what you want. At times it feels unfair but when you work toward ti, you realize it’s made you better and strong er in the long run. 

Q: Greatest athlete of all time?

YS:  I’m from New England so Tom Brady hands down. 

Q: Biggest pet peeve?

YS: At work people, my biggest pet peeve is people who aren’t motivated. We’re busy. We’re working hard. I don’t need my staff to understand everything because we all absorb information at different rates. I just need them to keep up with me. In one word, I suppose it would have to be laziness. Laziness is my biggest pet peeve.

Q: You won’t leave the house without …

YS: My phone because I drive a Tesla now and I can’t leave without the phone because my phone is my car key. 

Q: If you listen to only one song for the rest of your life on repeat, what would it be?

YS: Check Yes Juliet by We The kings. Or anything by Panic At The
Disco. Especially their song called a Fever You Can’t Sweat Out. 

Q: One thing you couldn’t live without? 

YS: My family. 

Q: Name one place you want to see during your life. 

YS: A more general tour or Europe. Santorini would’ve been on the list but I crossed that one off with my honeymoon.

Q: What book do you always recommend to people? 

YS: Lord of the Rings. All 3. 

Q: What is your most memorable recollection at MOS?

YS: Our 1st board meeting with Stephanie. We’ve floundered through Covid  and beyond for a bit and now it feels like we are getting our legs back and moving forward. 


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